What is EVAMOSC?

The Enterprise Visibility and Management of Operating and Support Cost (EVAMOSC) database is a platform that collects and reports actual, historical operating and support (O&S) data for all major weapon systems in the Army, USMC, Navy, Air Force, and Space Force.

It is congressionally mandated and will serve as the DoD's authoritative source of O&S cost data for all major weapon systems.

What are Support Operating
(O&S) Costs?

Operating & Support (O&S) consists of all effort related to sustainment;
from initial system deployment/fielding through the end of system operations.

For most weapon system commodities, the O&S phase is the
longest & most costly phase.

O&S costs are categorized utilizing the Cost Element Structure
in the O&S Cost Estimating Guide by OSD CAPE.

O&S Cost Element Structure

Operators, maintainers, and other support manpower assigned to operating units. Includes military, government civilian, and/or contractor manpower

How EVAMOSC Data is Useful

Sustainment Reviews and O&S Cost Estimates
Independent Cost Estimate
Lifecycle Costs
Sustainment Reviews

Detailed, granular data can provide insight into
readiness cost drivers

Validating Programming and Budgeting Estimates
Detailed execution data across multiple functional areas (maintenance, manpower, operational) within a weapon
system life cycle

DoD Audit
EVAMOSC data can help auditors understand the accuracy,
transparency, and reliability of DoD data

Aligning source data systems to O&S policy to address leadership issues Deep knowledge is needed for every Service, cost category, and weapon system commodity Stakeholder engagement needed for data, accuracy, transparency, and user buy-in Big data challenges: storage, transformations, accessiblity, and user's experience Disparate, complex, unconnected source data systems across the DoD

O&S Cost Data Challenges


Aligning source data systems to O&S policy to address leadership issues

Subject Matter Experts

Deep knowledge is needed for every Service, cost category, and weapon system commodity

Data Users & Stakeholders

Stakeholder engagement needed for data, accuracy, transparency, and user buy-in

Data Scientists

Big data challenges: storage, transformations, accessiblity, and user experience


Disparate, complex, unconnected source data systems across the DoD

How EVAMOSC Addresses O&S Data Challenges

The EVAMOSC team collects terabytes of information from numerous (anticipating over 75 sources) disparate, unconnected source data systems across the DoD into a cloud-based Amazon Web Service data lake. But we don't stop at a data lake! Our team of data engineers, subject matter experts, technical architects, and key stakeholders work closely to ensure that EVAMOSC's data aligns with O&S cost data policy and is accurate and transparent. Data transformation is at the heart of our operation. EVAMOSC is the authoritative source for operating and support cost data for all major weapon systems across the DoD. EVAMOSC users can access our rich data source via our intuitive, easy-to-use Tableau interface. See Registration Instructions to learn how you can get access to this valuable data!

EVAMOSC Commitment to Transparency

OSD CAPE recognizes the importance of collaborating early and often with the Services to ensure EVAMOSC data is accurate, consistent between the Services, clearly documented, and informative.

The EVAMOSC team has developed documentation describing in detail how source data is transformed, standardized and published.

Feedback from users and stakeholders is welcome and encouraged! Please email the helpdesk with any questions and stayed tuned for more information about upcoming EVAMOSC user group discussions on our Training Events calendar.